dimanche, avril 06, 2014

longing pain

Years have passed
Your still there
Can't forget you at last

Time and time again
I wished for you
Longing for your kiss to smooth my pain

Drama after drama we lost us
In a turmoil of indifference
Not doing what we must

Since then shattered heart
Never ending doubt
Sharp like a dart

And I miss you
Truly with all I have
I miss you


Moment de grâce dans le souffle d'un matin tranquille
Je n'ai pas encore de mots pour m'écrire 
Pas encore de paroles pour me dire
Mais assé de conscience pour sentir le temps qui file

Encore tout moue
Encore tout floue
Dormant dans l'inconscient
D'un éveil lent

Grande douceur
Pour grande douleur
Du sommeil 
À l'éveil

Brule ma conscience 
Dans mes idéaux et leurs absence
Tout groggy
D'une autre vie

Grise journée
Soleil de matiné
Peu m'importe
Puisque tu l'emportes

broken by a new past

Memory of a not so distant past
Where we were walking under the sun 
Of that country we were in love with
Hand in hand, soul in soul

In you words the tought of me
Me with someone else in my mind
And you never knew
That right there you were her

Looking back I can't help 
But find the irony in it
That when you felt you got me
You also changed me

You became that memory I can't forget
To never leave me after
I still see you in every shades
In every smile

Looking back with great pain 
At those eyes I drowned in
I can't come back 
From that country of ours

Longing to for you
That i will never have again
That I lost along the way
That made and broke me