samedi, janvier 23, 2010

A life like a facebook page.

A life like a facebook page. How many person you know had a problem with the ''friends'' in facebook? How many people were bitching about how impersonnal it was, how many time it took from their so called real life and how it was just articifial.

Well here's my life like a facebook critic. For all those humans that lives their life like a facebook page. What I mean by that is they essentially make a spider web of connection that they do call friends. Occasionally going on a drink with this one, going at the movie with this other one etc... Just like those 500 friends you don't know on your social network page all those persons you claim you know in real life are in the same boat. When you feel like you know them ask yourself why? Because you see them in real? Knowing is about truth, trust and conversations. Saying you have a lot of friends in life just because you know a lot of people has for me the same amount of value as a facebook friend. In all that count the number you can really count on when you trully need it, when it's not easy to be there for you when it's not just being there for 5 min. or for a day but when you have a long and painfull run to go before being okay.

Being social, that's why those network exist but being friends, true friends? It can be find only in their connection to other and no a drink is not a connection.

vendredi, janvier 22, 2010


J'ai le vague a l'ame
Ne partira-t-il donc jamais?
Est-ce moi ou est-ce elles?
Comment dire cette solitude qui s'installe

D'un plaisir pur
Jusqu'au zénith de l'amour
En descandant par le froid du doute
Et l'absence de connexion

Quand la vie me pousse
Je sens le vide sous mes pieds
J'ai peur de tomber
Et de ne plus me relever

Des mots comme des coups de couteau
Existe-t-il quelque part
L'onguant qui me guérira
De mon spleen grandissant

Je vois la nuit arriver avec un soupir de soulagement
Le jour se levé et avec lui mes apréhension
Les secondes passé comme un hotage séquestré
et mon coeur pret a exploser

Si j'ai raison j'ai tord
Et avoir tord me donne raison
Spirale irréversible
Comment puis-je finir par me/la convaincre